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Krypto is a cryptography library for Multiplatform Kotlin.


Krypto provides a SecureRandom object that extends the kotlin.random.Random class, but it generates cryptographic secure values. It is a singleton, and you cannot provide an initial seed.

Instead of a pseudo-random and reproducible, its result values are fully random, making it suitable for cryptographic purposes, and not suitable for reproductible results.

It uses SecureRandom on the JVM + PRNGFixes on Android. On Native POSIX (including Linux, macOS and iOS), it uses /dev/urandom, on Windows BCryptGenRandom

Using the SecureRandom instance

Since it is an object, you can use it directly as a Random instance:

val random: Random = SecureRandom

Seeding extra bytes

In addition to the standard kotlin Random interface, SecureRandom provides a method for seeding extra random bytes.

val bytes = byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3)

Hash (MD4/MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512)

Korlibs crypto supports hashing byte arrays, and synchronous and asynchronous streams for different algorithms in an extensible fashion.

There are a few predefined hashing methods available out of the box:

object MD4 : HasherFactory
object MD5 : HasherFactory
object SHA1 : HasherFactory
object SHA256 : HasherFactory
object SHA512 : HasherFactory

Then you can hash different binary sources like ByteArray, AsyncInputStream, AsyncOpenableStream or a SyncInputStream:

// Synchronous hashing
fun ByteArray.hash(algo: HashFactory): Hash
fun SyncInputStream.hash(algo: HasherFactory): Hash 

// Asynchronous hashing
suspend fun AsyncInputOpenable.hash(algo: HasherFactory): Hash
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.hash(algo: HasherFactory): Hash

// In the JVM:
fun InputStream.hash(algo: HasherFactory): Hash

So for example, to get the hex representation of a SHA1 hash for the bytes 1, 2, 3 you would:

println(byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3).hash(SHA1).hex)

There are shortcuts for the out of the box provided HashFactory:

fun ByteArray.md4(): Hash
fun ByteArray.md5(): Hash
fun ByteArray.sha1(): Hash
fun ByteArray.sha256(): Hash
fun ByteArray.sha512(): Hash

The HasherFactory looks like this:

open class HasherFactory() {
    operator fun invoke(): Hasher

// Shortcuts to digest from it
fun HasherFactory.digest(data: ByteArray): Hash
inline fun HasherFactory.digest(readBytes: (data: ByteArray) -> Int): Hash

Then the Hasher class looks like this:

abstract class Hasher(val chunkSize: Int, val digestSize: Int, val name: String) {
	open fun reset(): Hasher
	open fun update(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, count: Int): Hasher
	open fun digestOut(out: ByteArray)
	fun update(data: ByteArray)
	fun digest(): Hash

Getting raw, hex or base64 representations from a Hash instance

From a Hash class, it is possible to get it’s raw bytes, or the hexadecimal or base64 representations:

class Hash {  
	constructor(bytes: ByteArray)

    companion object {  
        fun fromHex(hex: String): Hash
        fun fromBase64(base64: String): Hash
    val bytes: ByteArray
    val base64: String
    val base64Url: String
    val hex: String
    val hexLower: String
    val hexUpper: String




object AES {
    fun decryptAes128Cbc(encryptedMessage: ByteArray, cipherKey: ByteArray): ByteArray
    fun encryptEes128Cbc(plainMessage: ByteArray, cipherKey: ByteArray): ByteArray
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