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Data Structures

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To access this functionality you can include the: com.soywiz.korge:korge-foundation:5.1.0 artifact from maven central. All the functionality yields in the korlibs.datastructure package .
On this page

KDS: Data Structures

Kds is a Data Structure library for Multiplatform Kotlin. It includes a set of optimized data structures written in Kotlin Common so they are available in JVM, JS and future multiplatform targets. Those structures are designed to be allocation-efficient and fast, so Kds include specialized versions for primitives like Int or Double.


    Some samples:

    // Case Insensitive Map
    val map = mapOf("hELLo" to 1, "World" to 2).toCaseInsensitiveMap()
    // BitSet
    val array = BitSet(100) // Stores 100 bits
    array[99] = true
    // TypedArrayList
    val v20 = intArrayListOf(10, 20).getCyclic(-1)
    // Deque
    val deque = IntDeque().apply {
    // CacheMap
    val cache = CacheMap<String, Int>(maxSize = 2).apply {
        this["a"] = 1
        this["b"] = 2
        this["c"] = 3
        assertEquals("{b=2, c=3}", this.toString())
    // IntIntMap
    val m = IntIntMap().apply {
        this[0] = 98
    // Pool
    val pool = Pool { Demo() }
    pool.alloc { demo ->
        println("Temporarilly allocated $demo")
    // Priority Queue
    val pq = IntPriorityQueue()
    assertEquals(5, pq.removeHead())
    // Extra Properties
    class Demo : Extra by Extra.Mixin() { val default = 9 }
    var Demo.demo by Extra.Property { 0 }
    var Demo.demo2 by Extra.PropertyThis<Demo, Int> { default }
    val demo = Demo()
    assertEquals(0, demo.demo)
    assertEquals(9, demo.demo2)
    demo.demo = 7
    assertEquals(7, demo.demo)
    assertEquals("{demo=7, demo2=9}", demo.extra.toString())
    // mapWhile
    val iterator = listOf(1, 2, 3).iterator()
    assertEquals(listOf(1, 2, 3), mapWhile({ iterator.hasNext() }) {})
    // And much more!
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