Are these libraries free?
Yes. All these libraries are dual licensed under MIT and Apache 2.0 or CC0 Public Domain, except some libraries that I have ported from other languages and were not licensed as MIT, that propagate their own license. But in any case, all the licenses used are free and permissive.
Where can I find the libraries?
- Source Code for version 4: https://github.com/korlibs/korlibs4
- Source Code for version 5+: https://github.com/korlibs/korge
- All the libraries are published to maven central too: https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:com.soywiz.korlibs.*.
I get an error: unable to find library -lGL on Linux
Since linux doesn’t include graphic or audio libraries by default,
you might get this error if you try to compile a korge application
with ./gradlew runNativeDebug
> Task :linkDebugExecutableLinuxX64 FAILED
e: /home/parallels/.konan/dependencies/clang-llvm-8.0.0-linux-x86-64/bin/ld.lld invocation reported errors
The /home/parallels/.konan/dependencies/clang-llvm-8.0.0-linux-x86-64/bin/ld.lld command returned non-zero exit code: 1.
ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lGL
ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lGLU
ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lglut
ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lopenal
If you are using Ubuntu or other Debian-based distro, you can execute the following command to install the required libraries:
sudo apt-get -y install freeglut3-dev libopenal-dev libncurses5
On Solus, you can use this command:
sudo eopkg install glfw-devel freeglut openal-soft-devel ncurses libglu-devel
sudo eopkg install -c system.devel
On Arch, you can use this command to install lglut and lopenal. For the rest install ncurses5-compat-libs from the AUR repo.
pacman -S freeglut openal
How do I include these libraries in my multiplatform projects?
They require Gradle 7.6.1 or greater.
dependencies {
How do I include these libraries in my pure-java projects?
dependencies {
// ...
You might need to disambiguate in some cases:
implementation("com.soywiz.korlibs.klock:klock-jvm:4.0.6") {
attributes {
attribute(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType.attribute, org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType.jvm)
Artifacts can’t be resolved
Where’s the old KorGE plugin for Intellij?
The plugin got outdated and replaced by the KorGE Forge Plugin. The old version of the IntelliJ plugin can be found here:
How can I update KorGE version?
KorGE has several products. Each product has its own versioning.
Typically, the version you want to update is the Gradle Plugin
/ Library Version
To update KorGE Gradle Plugin, check the gradle/libs.versions.toml
korge = { id = "com.soywiz.korge", version = "6.0.0-beta3" }
or the build.gradle.kts
import korlibs.korge.gradle.*
plugins {
id("com.soywiz.korge") version "4.0.6"
//alias(libs.plugins.korge) // When using `gradle/libs.versions.toml`
To update KProject you can check the settings.gradle.kts
pluginManagement { repositories { mavenLocal(); mavenCentral(); google(); gradlePluginPortal() } }
plugins {
id("com.soywiz.kproject.settings") version "0.3.1"
The libraries are automatically selected by the KorGE Gradle Plugin. Typically, they have the same version as the gradle plugin. But sometimes a quick Gradle Plugin update is done, so it might differ in some cases.
Check that you are using at least Gradle 7.6.1
./gradlew --version
You can update it with:
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=7.6.1
How do I get the current’s device resolution on KorGE?
KorGE doesn’t provide a direct way of getting the device resolution. This is intended to simplify your code. Instead you use a Virtual Resolution, and an Extended Virtual Resolution when your virtual Aspect Ratio doesn’t match the one’s from the device. Similar to OpenGL and some engines default (-1,+1) screen coordinates, but with the dimensions defined by you.
GitHub Sponsors / Donations
How are issues prioritized?
In normal circumstances, bugs and sponsored tickets coming from sponsors are done first.
There is a Kanban board at GitHub where you can see the progress and the current prioritizations: https://github.com/orgs/korlibs/projects/19
How can I close a KorGE Game Window programatically?
e: Unable to compile C bridges
sudo apt install libncurses5
e: This declaration is experimental and its usage must be marked with ‘@kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime’
/build/platforms/native-desktop/bootstrap.kt: (5, 98): This declaration is experimental and its usage must be marked with '@kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime' or '@OptIn(kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime::class)'
If you main entry point of Korge is using @ExperimentalTime
or other experimental APIs
you have to replace it with @OptIn(ExperimentalClass::class)
eg. @OptIn(ExperimentalTime::class)
How is KorGE pronounced
Since this was not specified from the very beginning, we used up to three different pronunciations for it.
The original pronunciation is like saying Jorge in Spanish but starting with K.
Can you listen it here: