Game Window
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to open an URL in the default internet browser
In order to open a URL with the default user Internet Browser:
to display a message
To display an alert message or exception with a native dialog:
views.gameWindow.alert("My message")
views.gameWindow.alertError(Exception("My error message"))
to ask for a YES or NO
To ask the user to confirm an action with a native dialog:
val result: Boolean = views.gameWindow.confirm("My message")
to ask for a text
You can use prompt
to ask the user to type/prompt/input a string with a native dialog:
val result: String = views.gameWindow.prompt("My title", "default")
to close the window
This will close the window.
to open a native file dialog
To ask the user to select to open one or more files, both for writing and/or reading with the native file dialog.
val selectedFiles: List<VfsFile> = views.gameWindow.openFileDialog(FileFilter("Images" to listOf("*.jpg", "*.jpg")), write = false, multi = true, currentDir = null)