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Imaging Atlas

KorIM supports creating, loading and saving atlases.

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Loading atlases

You can read atlases from files with the VfsFile.readAtlas extension. It detects and supports three different atlas formats: text-based, json-based and xml-based.

val atlas = resourcesVfs["file.atlas"].readAtlas(asumePremultiplied = false)

General concepts

  • Atlas Page - an image part of the atlas containing smaller images inside with all the elements. Usually this image is uploaded to the GPU, and reference smaller images in there
  • width & height - the dimensions of the atlas pages (usually power of two 512x512, 2048x2048)
  • Slice, subimage or packaged item - A smaller image that is inside the atlas
  • Region - the bounds of one of the slice/subimage/packed item
  • border - usually called extrusion. For each slice/subimage, it is usual to extend some pixels in the edge, because when OpenGL linear-samples that part of the image might end getting extra pixels outside the region. A value of 2 is pretty safe


MutableAtlas is a class for generating an atlas that supports adding more slices over the time. Because of that, the packaging might not be optimal.

For the best results, it is recommended to add bigger images first, for example sorting them descendently by area


val atlas = MutableAtlas<Unit>()
val atlas = MutableAtlas<Unit>(width = 512, height = 512, border = 2, allowToGrow = true, growMethod = GrowMethod.NEW_IMAGES)

The border determines the number of pixels extruded from the edges, to avoid artifacts when linear sampling in OpenGL. Usually a value of 2 is pretty safe.


This MutableAtlas.GrowMethod enum serves to indicate the growing strategy, when the image you try to add doesn’t fit in the remaining space.

You can either:

  • Regenerate a new atlas from scratch but with a bigger size GROW_IMAGE
  • Generate new images associated to the atlas NEW_IMAGES
enum class GrowMethod { GROW_IMAGE, NEW_IMAGES }


The MutableAtlas.Entry<T> class, is a holder containing the image slice inside the atlas and an associated data class that might hold extra information associated to that Bitmap and this atlas.

data class Entry<T>(val slice: BitmapSlice<Bitmap32>, val data: T) {
    val name get() =

Adding elements to the atlas

val entry = atlas.add(bitmap32, data)
val entry = atlas.add(bmpSlice, data)

// You can also provide a name for the slice
val entry = atlas.add(bmpOrBmpSlice, data, name = "test")

If your generic type is Unit, you can omit the data alltoghether:

val entry = atlas.add(bitmap32)
val entry = atlas.add(bmpSlice)

Getting all the atlas bitmaps and entries

  • atlas.width, atlas.height - the size of the atlas pages in pixels
  • atlas.allBitmaps: List<Bitmap32> - usually one, the atlas pages, each big image contains all the slices/subimages added while constructing
  • atlas.entries - all the Entry classes, referencing the data class + the bitmap slice
  • atlas.entriesByName: Map<String, Entry<T>> - all the entries associated by name
  • atlas.size - number of entries in this atlas

Converting into an immutable atlas

val atlas: Atlas = mutableAtlas.toImmutable()

AtlasLookup, Atlas, AltasInfo


The AtlasLookup interface serves for getting Atlas.Entry elements by name.

interface AtlasLookup {
    // Main interface method
    fun tryGetEntryByName(name: String): Atlas.Entry?

    // Helpers
    fun tryGet(name: String): BmpSlice?
    operator fun get(name: String): BmpSlice


You can construct an atlas from a list of textures and an optional AtlasInfo instance (you can also read it from a source with VfsFile.readAtlas):

val atlas = Atlas(listOf(bmpSlice1, bmpSlice2))
val atlas = Atlas(texture, atlasInfo)
val atlas = Atlas(mapOf("sliceName1" to bmpSlice1, ...), atlasInfo)


This class is in charge of containing all the possible information and meta information defined in standard atlas formats:

  • AtlasInfo
    • Meta
      • Layer
      • Slice
        • Key
      • FrameTag
    • Rect
    • Slice
    • Page
      • Region


An immutable variant of MutablePacker. It is an object defining a pack method.

// Pack a few Bitmap Slices
val result: AtlasPacker.Result<BmpSlice> = AtlasPacker.pack(listOf(bmpSlice1, bmpSlice2), maxSide = 2048, maxTextures = 1, borderSize = 2, fileName = "atlas.png")

// You can also pack with associated data
val result = AtlasPacker.pack(listOf(myInfoClass1 to bmpSlice1, myInfoClass2 to bmpSlice2, ...), ...)
data class Result<T>(val atlases: List<AtlasResult<T>>) : AtlasLookup 

data class AtlasResult<T>(val tex: Bitmap32, val atlas: Atlas, val packedItems: List<Entry<T>>) : AtlasLookup

data class Entry<T>(val item: T, val originalSlice: BmpSlice, val slice: BitmapSlice<Bitmap32>, val rectWithBorder: Rectangle, val rect: Rectangle)

BinPacker (KorMA)

KorMA provides a BinPacker class that serves for organizing 2d rectangles in a space without overlapping, and trying to be as space efficient as possible.

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