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Imaging Bitmaps

KorIM support several Bitmap formats and operations.

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Bitmap is an abstract class used to represent images, as a bidimensional matrix with a set of RGBA pixels.

BmpSlice represents a region inside a Bitmap.

All Bitmaps have the following immutable properties:

  • width: Int the width of the image in pixels
  • height: Int the height of the image in pixels
  • bpp: Int bits per pixel for this image. For example for Bitmap32 it would be 32
  • premultiplied: Boolean specifies if the color pixels in this image are premultiplied or not
  • backingArray: Any? an optional array reference containing the raw pixels in the internal format of the Bitmap

You can get the area in pixels of the bitmap with bitmap.area (width * height).

You can determine if a position is inside the bitmap with bitmap.inside(x, y), there is an alias called bitmap.inBounds(x, y).

You can clamp your coordinates by using bitmap.clampX(x) and bitmap.clampY(x).

You can get the linear index of a position with bitmap.index(x, y).

When using Bitmaps with KorGE, you can set the mutable property mipmaps to instruct the engine to generate mipmaps when internally converting into a texture and uploaded to the GPU.

Getting and setting pixels

// Setting a color
bitmap.setRgba(x, y, Colors.RED)
bitmap.setInt(x, y, 17) // This depends on the kind of bitmap (indexed or rgba)

// Getting a color
val color: RGBA = bitmap.getRgba(x, y)
val colorValue: Int = bitmap.getInt(x, y)
val sampledColor: RGBA = bitmap.getRgbaSampled(1.5, 1.5) // Performs linear interpolation and samples neighborhood pixels to compute the color

Note that depending on the Bitmap implementation, reading individual pixels might be costly. For example for Bitmap32 it is pretty fast, but for a HtmlNativeImage this will be slow. It is recommended to use readPixels and writePixels instead or to convert the bitmap to Bitmap32 with bitmap.toBMP32()

Reading, writing and copying blocks of pixels

To read and write with the best performance a region in the Bitmap, you can use readPixelUnsafe and writePixelUnsafe:

val pixels = RgbaArray(width * height)
readPixelsUnsafe(x, y, width, height, pixels, offset = 0)
writePixelsUnsafe(x, y, width, height, pixels, offset = 0)

If you want to copy pixels from one image to another:

var dst: Bitmap
bitmap.copy(srcX, srcY, dst, dstX, dstY, width, height)

Locking / updating the texture in KorGE

In KorGE, the bitmap is converted into a texture, and sometimes you will want to update that Bitmap and reupload the texture. To do so, you have to lock and unlock the bitmap.

bitmap.lock {
    // change bitmap pixels here
// starting here, the texture will be reuploaded

Flipping the Bitmap

You can flip your image with bitmap.flipX() and bitmap.flipY().

Swapping rows and columns

You can swap two rows or two columns together with:

bitmap.swapRows(y0, y0)
bitmap.swapColumns(x0, x0)

Converting into Bitmap32

You can call the bitmap.toBMP32() method to convert any Bitmap into a Bitmap32, if you prefer to not create a new instance if it is already a Bitmap32, you can call bitmap.toBMP32IfRequired()

Cloning, extracting and creating bitmaps with the same format

To create a bitmap with the same content you can use:


To create a new empty bitmap of the same type, but with different dimensions, you can use:

bitmap.createWithThisFormat(newWidth, newHeight)

To create a new bitmap with part of the contents of the original image:

val newBitmap = bitmap.extract(x, y, width, height)

Comparing contents

You can check if two bitmaps have exactly the same pixels by calling bitmap.contentEquals(otherBitmap).


You can create a context2d for drawing vectors, and stuff with a HTML-like API, with:

bitmap.context2d { context2d ->
    // ...

Iterating over all the positions

bitmap.forEach { n, x, y ->
    val pixel: RGBA = bitmap.getRgba(x, y)
    val pixel: RGBA =[n]

Scaling a Bitmap

You can create a new image scaling another image, to a new size, and using a ScaleMode and an Anchor to do so.

val resized = bitmap.resized(width, height, ScaleMode.COVER, Anchor.CENTER, native = true)


For resizing we have different ScaleMode strategies

  • ScaleMode.COVER - Keeps the aspect ratio, covers all the space cutting some parts of the image if the aspect ratio doesn’t fit
  • ScaleMode.SHOW_ALL / ScaleMode.FIT - Shows the whole image without losing the aspect ratio, some parts of the destination won’t have pixels
  • ScaleMode.EXACT - This will distort the image, and will fill all the pixels
  • ScaleMode.NO_SCALE - Doesn’t scale the image at all

BitmapIndexed, Bitmap1, Bitmap2, Bitmap4, Bitmap8

KorIM also supports indexed bitmaps, that are bitmaps whose pixels are determined by an integer of an specific amount of bits.

// Getting a pixel value
val pixel: Int = bitmap[x, y] // equivalent to bitmap.getInt(x, y)
// Setting a pixel value // equivalent to bitmap.setInt(x, y, pixel)
bitmap[x, y] = pixel

Constructing a new BitmapIndexed

val bitmap1 = Bitmap1(width, height)
val bitmap2 = Bitmap2(width, height)
val bitmap4 = Bitmap4(width, height)
val bitmap8 = Bitmap8(width, height)

// You can specify a palette with:
val bitmap = Bitmap4(width, height, palette = RgbaArray(16))

// For Bitmap8 you can use a value provider when constructing
val bitmap = Bitmap8(width, height) { x, y ->
    (x + y).toByte()

Setting a grayscale palette:

// This will update the palette with a gradient from pitch black, to clear white

Convert to String

By specifying a character for each possible color, you can convert a BitmapIndexed into a String like this:

val paletteString = ".*" // 0=. 1=*

Bitmap32 to Bitmap1

You can construct a Bitmap1 by using a Bitmap32 as reference, and providing a function determining if each pixel is going to be 0 (false) or 1 (true).

bitmap32.toBitmap1 { color: RGBA -> color.a >= 0x3F }


Native image is a special type of Bitmap that usually represents a Bitmap in a native platform. For example in JS, it would be represented as a <canvas> or <img>, and in the JVM it would be a BufferedImage. Some implementations require for setting and getting the color bits to copy memory from the GPU, and that might be slow to perform pixel by pixel.

This bitmap however, when using the Context2D, it uses native operations for vector rendering, which is usually faster.

You can construct an empty NativeImage with: NativeImage(width, height).


The Bitmap32 class is a Bitmap ideal for manipulating the image pixel by pixel. It has 8 bits for red, green, blue and alpha channels.

  • The Bitmap32 class has a data: RgbaArray, dataPremult: RgbaPremultipliedArray and intData: IntArray representing the colors as linear array.

Construct a Bitmap32

You can construct a Bitmap32 with:

val bitmap = Bitmap32(width, height)
val bitmap = Bitmap32(width, height, RgbaArray(width * height), premultiplied = false)
val bitmap = Bitmap32(width, height, Colors.RED)
val bitmap = Bitmap32(width, height) { x, y -> Colors.RED }

Getting and setting Pixels

val color: RGBA = bitmap[x, y]
val color: RGBA = bitmap.getRgba(x, y)
val colorInt: Int = bitmap.getInt(x, y)

bitmap[x, y] = color
bitmap.setRgba(x, y, color)
bitmap.setInt(x, y, colorInt)

Getting historiogram

val redHistoriogram = bitmap32.historiogram(BitmapChannel.RED)

Filling the whole bitmap or a slice with a specific color

bitmap32.fill(Colors.BLACK_TRANSPARENT, x, y, width, height)

Drawing or copying another Bitmap32

bitmap32.put(bmp32OrSlice, dx, dy) // Replace pixels
bitmap32.draw(bmp32OrSlice, dx, dy) // Blend pixels

Transferring channel (RED, GREEN, BLUE or ALPHA) data individually

bitmap32.writeChannel(BitmapChannel.RED, sourceBitmap, source = BitmapChannel.ALPHA)
bitmap32.writeChannel(BitmapChannel.RED, sourceBitmap8)

val channelData: Bitmap8 = bitmap32.extractChannel(BitmapChannel.BLUE)

// Static variants
Bitmap32.copyChannel(src, srcChannel, dst, dstChannel)
Bitmap32.copyChannel(src, dst, channel)

XOR and INVERT pixels

// Mutating variants
bitmap32.xor(RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0))

// Copy variants
val newBitmap = bitmap32.inverted()
val newBitmap = bitmap32.xored(RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0))

Handling premultiplied

val newBitmap = bitmap.premultiplied()
val newOrSameBitmap = bitmap.premultipliedIfRequired()

val newBitmap = bitmap.depremultiplied()
val newOrSameBitmap = bitmap.depremultipliedIfRequired()


Aplying ColorTransform and ColorMatrix

val newBitmap = bmp32.withColorTransform(colorTransform)
val newBitmap = bmp32.withColorTransform(colorTransform, x, y, width, height)

bmp32.applyColorTransform(colorTransform, x, y, width, height)


Generating a mipmap of the current bitmap

val halfSizeBitmap = bitmap.mipmap(1) // [width,height] / 2
val quarterSizeBitmap = bitmap.mipmap(2) // [width,height] / 4

Generate a scaled image

val scaled = scaleNearest(0.5, 0.5) // half the size nearest neighborhood
val scaled = scaleLinear(0.5, 0.5) // half the size linear interpolation
val scaled = scaled(newWidth, newHeight, smooth = true)

Compare bitmaps

Bitmap32.matches(bitmap1, bitmap2, threshold = 32)
val result: MatchResult = Bitmap32.matchesWithResult(bitmap1, bitmap2)
val diffBitmap32 = Bitmap32.diff(bitmap1, bitmap2)

Generate a new bitmap with the edges expanded

When generating atlases it is useful to extrude the edges of slices so when sampled with OpenGL, there are no artifacts.

bitmap32.expandBorder(RectangleInt(2, 2, 50, 50), border = 2)


This is an enum BitmapChannel.RED, BitmapChannel.GREEN, BitmapChannel.BLUE, BitmapChannel.ALPHA. It is used to manipulate specific channels usually in Bitmap32,

You can extract and insert each component in a RGBA color with:

val red: Int = BitmapChannel.RED.extract(color)
val newColor: RGBA = BitmapChannel.RED.insert(color, 0x7F)


FloatBitmap32 is like Bitmap32 but stores its components as floats in the range of [0f, 1f].

Constructing a FloatBitmap32

// A New Bitmap

val floatBitmap32 = FloatBitmap32(width, height)
val floatBitmap32 = FloatBitmap32(width, height, FloatArray(width * height * 4), premultiplied = false)

// From other Bitmap
val floatBitmap32 = bitmap.toFloatBMP32()

Setting / getting pixels

bmp.setRgba(x, y, rgbaColor)
bmp.setRgba(x, y, rf, gf, bf, af)
bmp.setRgbaf(x, y, rgbafColor)

val color: RGBA = bmp.getRgba(x, y)
val color: RGBAf = bmp.getRgbaf(x, y)


A DistanceBitmap is a Bitmap that measures distances to an specific pixel in each pixel. Used for example to compute borders, shadows etc.

Creating a DistanceBitmap

val dist: DistanceBitmap = bitmap.distanceMap(thresold = 0.5) // alpha thresold

Getting distances

You can get the distance for each position:

val dist: Float = getDist(x, y) // hypot
val x: Int = getPosX(x, y) // nearest absolute position (X)
val y: Int = getPosY(x, y) // nearest absolute position (Y)
val rx: Int = getRPosX(x, y) // nearest relative position (X)
val ry: Int = getRPosY(x, y) // nearest relative position (Y)

Converting into Bitmap8

To visualize the distance map, you can generate a Bitmap8.

val pixels = distanceBitmap.toNormalizedDistanceBitmap8()


Utils to compute Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio

val psnr: Double = PSNR(bitmap1, bitmap2)
val psnr: Double = PSNR(bitmap1, bitmap2, BitmapChannel.RED)
val psnr: Double = bitmap1.psnrDiffTo(bitmap2)
val psnr: Double = Bitmap32.computePsnr(bitmap1, bitmap2)


Palette is mainly a wrapper of RgbaArray but supports some optional extra properties, like names for each color.

val palette = Palette(RgbaArray)(16)
val palette = Palette(colors = RgbaArray(16), names = Array(16) { "name$it" })

Bitmap Tracing

You can get an approximate contourn of a Bitmap with the trace methods.

val path: VectorPath = bitmap.trace()
val path: VectorPath = bitmap.trace { rgba -> rgba.a >) 9x3F }

Bitmap Effects

KorIM supports applying Bitmap effects. It supports adding border to the pixels of images, it supports adding a gaussian blur effect to the bitmap, and support adding drop shadows to the bitmaps.

data class BitmapEffect(
    // Blur
    var blurRadius: Int = 0,
    // Drop Shadow
    var dropShadowX: Int = 0,
    var dropShadowY: Int = 0,
    var dropShadowRadius: Int = 0,
    var dropShadowColor: RGBA = Colors.BLACK,
    // Border
    var borderSize: Int = 0,
    var borderColor: RGBA = Colors.BLACK

Applying Bitmap Effects

val newBitmap = bitmap.applyEffect(effect)

BitmapSlice<T>, BmpSlice and BmpCoords

The BmpSlice class is used to declare a region inside a Bitmap. There is a typed subtype called BitmapSlice<TBitmap>, and there is an interface implementd by them called BmpCoords that is used maily for textures.


The interface of BmpCoords, defines the following properties:

  • tl_x: Float and tl_y: Float, that specifies the top left coordinates
  • tr_x: Float and tr_y: Float, that specifies the top right coordinates
  • br_x: Float and br_y: Float, that specifies the bottom right coordinates
  • bl_x: Float and bl_y: Float, that specifies the bottom left coordinates


  • bmpBase: Bitmap
  • bounds: RectangleInt
  • name: String? = null
  • rotated: Boolean = false
  • virtFrame: RectangleInt? = null
  • bmpWidth: Int and bmpHeight: Int specifies the width and height of the original bitmap
  • left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int, width: Int and height: Int specifies the integral region of the slice

Reading pixels from a BmpSlice

// Individual pixels
val color: RGBA = bmpSlice.getRgba(x, y)
bmpSlice.setRgba(x, y, color)

// A region of pixels
val pixels: RgbaArray = bmpSlice.readPixels(x, y, width, height)

// As a bitmap
val pixels: Bitmap = bmpSlice.extract()

Getting a slice from a Bitmap

All method variants have an optional name: String? = null parameter, no set a name for the slice.

val bmpSlice: BitmapSlice<T> = bitmap.slice() // A slice covering the whole region
val bmpSlice = bitmap.slice(bounds = RectangleInt(x, y, width, height), name = "name of the slice")
val bmpSlice = bitmap.sliceWithBounds(left, top, right, bottom)
val bmpSlice = bitmap.sliceWithSize(x, y, width, height)

Sub-slicing BmpSlice

Similar to slicing a Bitmap, you can also sub-slice a BmpSlice:

val subBmpSlice = bmpSlice.slice(Rectangle())
val subBmpSlice = bmpSlice.slice(RectangleInt())
val subBmpSlice = bmpSlice.sliceWithSize(x, y, width, height)
val subBmpSlice = bmpSlice.sliceWithBounds(left, top, right, bottom)

Splitting a BitmapSlice<T> in an array of smaller slices

For example, when we have a bitmap representing TileSet, with regions of a specified size, we want to create an arbitrary number of slices of an specified size.

val slices: List<BitmapSlice<T>> = bmpSlice.splitInRows(16, 16)

For example if we have an image of 256x256, and we split in 64x64, we will have a list of 4*4 slices.

It will have the following order:

 0  1  2  3
 4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11
12 13 14 15
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