Imaging Colors
KorIM support several color formats, packed inline classes and conversion between them as well as mixing, de/premultiplication and other optimized operations.
All color formats implements the ColorFormat
interface ColorFormat {
val bpp: Int
fun getR(v: Int): Int
fun getG(v: Int): Int
fun getB(v: Int): Int
fun getA(v: Int): Int
fun pack(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int): Int
class PaletteColorFormat(val palette: RgbaArray) : ColorFormat {
override val bpp = 8
RGBA-based ColorFormat
16-bit RGBA-based ColorFormat
Floating-Point RGBA
Not a direct ColorFormat
, but a way to store mutable colors
allowing overflowing and special operations.
These clases store each component separately taking a Float
or Double
per component.
CMYK ColorFormat
CMYK is a color format used for printing. Its components are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. There is an inline class for packing CMYK colors and a color format to convert from/between RGBA colors.
YCbCr and YUVA ColorFormat
KorIM supports a color format based on Luma and Two chromiance components. In addition to the companion object ColorFormat, these color formats provide inline classes wrapping an integer.
Extended API
Determine the storage size
To determine the number of bytes a number of pixels would take to store
in a specific format, we can use numberOfBytes
or bytesPerPixel
a multiplication:
fun ColorFormat.numberOfBytes(pixels: Int): Int
val ColorFormat.bytesPerPixel: Double
Convert into/from RGBA
If we want to convert an Int-packed value into/from RGBA, we can use these functions:
fun ColorFormat.toRGBA(v: Int): RGBA
fun ColorFormat.packRGBA(c: RGBA): Int
Getting floating-point RGBA components
If we want to get values between 0-1
we can use the exntesion methods that convert
the component values between 0-255
to Float
or Double
fun ColorFormat.getRf(v: Int): Float
fun ColorFormat.getGf(v: Int): Float
fun ColorFormat.getBf(v: Int): Float
fun ColorFormat.getAf(v: Int): Float
fun ColorFormat.getRd(v: Int): Double
fun ColorFormat.getGd(v: Int): Double
fun ColorFormat.getBd(v: Int): Double
fun ColorFormat.getAd(v: Int): Double
Packing and unpacking colors into ByteArray and Bitmap32
fun ColorFormat.unpackToRGBA(packed: Int): RGBA
fun ColorFormat.convertTo(color: Int, target: ColorFormat): Int
fun ColorFormat.decode(data: ByteArray, dataOffset: Int, out: RgbaArray, outOffset: Int, size: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun ColorFormat.decode(data: ByteArray, dataOffset: Int = 0, size: Int = (data.size / bytesPerPixel).toInt(), littleEndian: Boolean = true): RgbaArray
fun ColorFormat.decodeToBitmap32(width: Int, height: Int, data: ByteArray, dataOffset: Int = 0, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Bitmap32
fun ColorFormat.decodeToBitmap32(bmp: Bitmap32, data: ByteArray, dataOffset: Int = 0, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Bitmap32
fun ColorFormat.encode(colors: RgbaArray, colorsOffset: Int, out: ByteArray, outOffset: Int, size: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun ColorFormat.encode(colors: RgbaArray,colorsOffset: Int = 0,size: Int = colors.size,littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun ColorFormat16.encode(colors: IntArray, colorsOffset: Int, out: ShortArray, outOffset: Int, size: Int): Unit
fun ColorFormat32.encode(colors: IntArray, colorsOffset: Int, out: IntArray, outOffset: Int, size: Int): Unit
and RGBAPremultiplied
These Color Formats and color packings (inline classes wrapping Int) represent 32-bit (8-bit per component) Red Green Blue and Alpha colors. The premultiplied version means that RGB components have been multiplied by its alpha component. Premultiplied alpha is useful when performing blending since less operations are required.
Converting color into string
val hexString: String get() ="#%02x%02x%02x%02x".format(r, g, b, a)
val htmlColor: String get() = "rgba($r, $g, $b, $af)"
val htmlStringSimple: String get() = "#%02x%02x%02x".format(r, g, b)
Mixing two colors
To mix two colors together:
RGBA.Companion.mix(dst: RGBA, src: RGBA)
To combine two colors weighting one over another:
RGBA.Companion.mix(RGBA, RGBA, factor)
Converting between premultiplied and premultiplied
and RgbaPremultipliedArray
and RgbaPremultipliedArray
inline-wraps an IntArray and provides ways
to set, get and fill values using RGBA
and RGBAPremultiplied
A ColorTransform represents multiplications and additions per component. You can achieve simple color transformations with this class.
val identity = ColorTransform(
1, 1, 1, 1, // Multiplicative
0, 0, 0, 0 // Additive
A colorMatrix represents a 5x4 matrix multiplying each component by each other and providing additions to each component.
val identity = ColorMatrix(
1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0,