Image Formats
KorIM supports creating, loading and saving different image formats.
ImageFormat, ImageFormats
ImageFormat allows to read/decode and write/encode images in a specific format. This class supports decoding static images, animations, and layered animated formats like ASE
supporting most of its features.
abstract class ImageFormat(vararg exts: String) {
val extensions: List<String>
// Basic methods to implement
open fun readImage(s: SyncStream, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): ImageData = TODO()
open fun readImageContainer(s: SyncStream, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): ImageDataContainer
open fun writeImage(
image: ImageData,
s: SyncStream,
props: ImageEncodingProps = ImageEncodingProps("unknown")
): Unit = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
// Extended useful methods
open fun decodeHeader(s: SyncStream, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): ImageInfo?
fun read(s: SyncStream, filename: String = "unknown"): Bitmap
suspend fun read(file: VfsFile): Bitmap
fun read(s: ByteArray, filename: String = "unknown"): Bitmap
fun read(s: SyncStream, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): Bitmap
fun read(s: ByteArray, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): Bitmap
fun check(s: SyncStream, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): Boolean
fun decode(s: SyncStream, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): Bitmap
fun decode(s: ByteArray, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): Bitmap
fun encode(frames: List<ImageFrame>, props: ImageEncodingProps = ImageEncodingProps("unknown")): ByteArray
fun encode(image: ImageData, props: ImageEncodingProps = ImageEncodingProps("unknown")): ByteArray
fun encode(bitmap: Bitmap, props: ImageEncodingProps = ImageEncodingProps("unknown")): ByteArray
suspend fun read(file: VfsFile, props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps()): Bitmap
data class ImageDecodingProps(
val filename: String = "unknown",
val width: Int? = null,
val height: Int? = null,
override var extra: ExtraType = null
) : Extra
data class ImageEncodingProps(
val filename: String = "",
val quality: Double = 0.81,
override var extra: ExtraType = null
) : Extra
All the targets support at least native PNG
and JPEG
expect val nativeImageFormatProvider: NativeImageFormatProvider
// This will try to use the native image format provider
suspend fun VfsFile.readBitmapOptimized()
Show images
suspend fun Bitmap.showImageAndWait(kind: Int = 0)
suspend fun ImageData.showImagesAndWait(kind: Int = 0) suspend fun List<Bitmap>.showImagesAndWait(kind: Int = 0)
suspend fun SizedDrawable.showImageAndWait(kind: Int = 0)
object RegisteredImageFormats : ImageFormat() {
var formats: ImageFormats
fun register(vararg formats: ImageFormat)
fun unregister(vararg formats: ImageFormat)
inline fun <T> temporalRegister(vararg formats: ImageFormat, callback: () -> T): T
open class ImageInfo : Extra by Extra.Mixin() {
var width: Int = 0
var height: Int = 0
var bitsPerPixel: Int = 8
val size: Size get() = Size(width, height)
override fun toString(): String = "ImageInfo(width=$width, height=$height, bpp=$bitsPerPixel, extra=$extra)"
ImageDataContainer, ImageData, ImageAnimation, ImageFrame, ImageFrameLayer, ImageLayer
open class ImageDataContainer(
val imageDatas: List<ImageData>
) {
val imageDatasByName = imageDatas.associateBy { }
val default = imageDatasByName[null] ?: imageDatas.first()
operator fun get(name: String?): ImageData? = imageDatasByName[name]
open class ImageLayer constructor(
var index: Int,
val name: String?
open class ImageData(
val frames: List<ImageFrame>,
val loopCount: Int = 0,
val width: Int,
val height: Int,
val layers: List<ImageLayer> = fastArrayListOf(),
val animations: List<ImageAnimation> = fastArrayListOf(),
val name: String? = null,
) : Extra by Extra.Mixin() {
val defaultAnimation: ImageAnimation
val animationsByName: Map<String, ImageAnimation>
val area: Int
val framesByName: Map<String, ImageName>
val framesSortedByProority: List<ImageFrame>
val mainBitmap: Bitmap
data class ImageDataWithAtlas(val image: ImageData, val atlas: AtlasPacker.Result<ImageFrameLayer>)
open class ImageFrame(
val index: Int,
val time: TimeSpan = 0.seconds,
val layerData: List<ImageFrameLayer> = emptyList(),
) : Extra by Extra.Mixin() {
val first: ImageFrameLayer?
val slice: BmpSlice
val targetX: Int
val targetY: Int
val main: Boolean
val includeInAtlas: Boolean
val duration: TimeSpan
val width: Int
val height: Int
val area: Int
val bitmap: Bitmap
val name: String?
open class ImageFrameLayer constructor(
val layer: ImageLayer,
slice: BmpSlice,
val targetX: Int = 0,
val targetY: Int = 0,
val main: Boolean = true,
val includeInAtlas: Boolean = true,
val linkedFrameLayer: ImageFrameLayer? = null,
) {
var slice: BmpSlice
val width: Int
val height: Int
val area: Int
val bitmap: Bitmap
val bitmap32: Bitmap32
open class ImageAnimation(
val frames: List<ImageFrame>,
val direction: Direction,
val name: String,
val layers: List<ImageLayer>
) {
enum class Direction { FORWARD, REVERSE, PING_PONG }
Packing ImageDataContainer and ImageData into an atlas in runtime
fun ImageData.packInMutableAtlas(mutableAtlas: MutableAtlas<Unit>): ImageData
fun ImageDataContainer.packInMutableAtlas(mutableAtlas: MutableAtlas<Unit>): ImageDataContainer
KorIM supports lots of formats out of the fox
ASEPrite image format. Supports reading.
Bitmap uncompressed format. Supports reading and writing.
Supports reading DDS files, and DXT encoded images.
Supports decoding static and animated GIF files.
Supports reading windows icon files.
Supports reading krita image files.
Supports reading and writing PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files.
Supports reading PSD files (only the flattened global layer for now)
Supports reading SVG and rasterizing it to the default size. (For SVG vector reading check the vector graphics section)
Supports reading and writing Targa uncompressed image files.
Supports reading and writing WEBP image files via WebAssembly.
Reading images
You can read images from files in any location with Vfsfile.
You can use the format=
argument in the reading functions to specific a specific format or a ImageFormats
group, or register the formats you are going to use into the RegisteredImageFormats
suspend fun VfsFile.readBitmap()
suspend fun VfsFile.readBitmapOptimized()
suspend fun VfsFile.readImageDataContainer()