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In order to monetize your game, KorGE provices some out of the box plugins to do so:

You can also create or use any of your own multiplatform libraries.


KorGE supports admob out of the box on Android. On the rest of the targets this API is mocked and does nothing.

To use it you have to include the KorGE plugin korge-admob:


In your build.gradle:

korge {
    admob(ADMOB_APP_ID) // Shortcut for admob

This is a shortcut for:

korge {
    plugin("com.soywiz:korge-admob:$korgeVersion", mapOf("ADMOB_APP_ID" to ADMOB_APP_ID))

Any of these add the korge-admob dependency but also does additional configuration in Android XML files.

The Admob instance

You can instantiate admob directly or register it as a service/singleton in your module:

With the injector:

injector.mapSingleton { AdmobCreate(testing = true) }

Without the injector:

AdmobCreate(testing = true)

The class looks like this:

class Admob {
    // Checks if this API is available, or it is mocked
    suspend fun available()
    // Banner-related APIs
    suspend fun bannerPrepare(config: Config)
    suspend fun bannerShow()
    suspend fun bannerHide()
    suspend fun bannerPrepareAndShow(config: Config)
    // Interstitial-related APIs
    suspend fun interstitialPrepare(config: Config)
    suspend fun interstitialIsLoaded(): Boolean
    suspend fun interstitialShowAndWait()
    suspend fun interstitialWaitLoaded()
    suspend fun interstitialWaitAndShow(config: Config)
    // RewardVideo-related APIs
    suspend fun rewardvideolPrepare(config: Config)
    suspend fun rewardvideolIsLoaded(): Boolean
    suspend fun rewardvideoShowAndWait()
    suspend fun rewardvideolWaitLoaded()
    suspend fun rewardvideolWaitAndShow(config: Config)
    data class Reward(val type: String, val amount: Int)
    data class Config(
        val id: String,
        val userId: String? = null,
        val size: Size = Size.SMART_BANNER,
        val bannerAtTop: Boolean = false,
        val overlap: Boolean = true,
        val offsetTopBar: Boolean = false,
        val forChild: Boolean? = null,
        val keywords: List<String>? = null,
        val immersiveMode: Boolean? = null
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