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DateTime, Date, DayOfWeek, Month, Year, YearMonth, TimeZone...

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To represent instants with date and time information, there are two classes: DateTime and DateTimeTz.

  • DateTime class is used to represent instants in UTC time. This class is inline and it is represented internally as a Double in a way that it is allocation-free on all targets including JS.
  • DateTimeTz class is used to represent instants with an offset in a TimeZone. It includes a DateTime and a offset. And it is different from DateTime itself.

Since 1.7.0:

  • Date class represent the Year+Month+Day part of an instant
  • Time class represent the Hour+Minute+Second+Millisecond part of an instant

Current Time

val utc =
val local = DateTimeTz.nowLocal()

Unix Timestamp

To get the current UTC Unix TimeStamp:

val unix =
val unix = DateTime.nowUnix()

To construct a UTC date from an Unix TimeStamp:

val date = DateTime.fromUnix(unix)


val time =

val year: Year = time.year
val year: Int = time.yearInt

val month: Month = time.month
val month0: Int = time.month0
val month1: Int = time.month1

val yearMonth: YearMonth = time.yearMonth
val dayOfMonth: Int = time.dayOfMonth

val dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek = time.dayOfWeek
val dayOfWeek: Int = time.dayOfWeekInt

val dayOfYear: Int = time.dayOfYear

val hours: Int = time.hours
val minutes: Int = time.minutes
val seconds: Int = time.seconds
val milliseconds: Int = time.milliseconds

From DateTime to Date & Time

Since 1.7.0:

val date: Date =
val time: Time = dateTime.time

From DateTime to DateTimeTz

time.toOffsetUnadjusted(offset: TimezoneOffset)

time.toOffset(offset: TimezoneOffset)

Formating and Parsing Dates

The DateFormat interface allows to parse and format dates from/to Strings.

val dateFormat: DateFormat = DateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z") // Construct a new DateFormat from a String
val date: DateTimeTz = dateFormat.parse("Sat, 08 Sep 2018 04:08:09 UTC") // Parse a Date from a String
val dateStr: String = // Format a Date using a specific DateFormat.


As for 1.0 Klock doesn’t have direct TimeZone support. But support offseted DateTime using DateTimeTz.

What Klock allows to do here is to get the UTC offset of the operating system TimeZone in a specific moment (having into account daylight changes when supported by the OS).

Date Information

Klock allows to get Date information: from how many days has a month, to whether a year is leap, to which month will be in three years and a six months. This UTC offset is represented by the class TimezoneOffset that just wraps the TimeSpan class.

DayOfWeek enum

DayOfWeek is an enum with all seven days of the week: Sunday(0), Monday(1), Tuesday(2), Wednesday(3), Thursday(4), Friday(5), Saturday(6)

  • Constructing a DayOfWeek from an integer where Sunday=0: DayOfWeek[index0]
  • Getting index0 (sunday=0) and index1 (sunday=1) representations: dayOfWeek.index0, dayOfWeek.index1

Month enum

Month is an enum with all twelve months on it: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Months are a set of 28-31 days. The number of days of each month is always the same, except for February that has 28 days in normal years, and 29 in leap years.

  • Getting next and previous month (cyclic):, month.prev
  • Getting the number of days in a common and leap year: month.daysCommon, month.daysLeap
  • Getting the number of days for a specific year or a leap year: month.days(year), month.days(leap = true)
  • Getting a Month from a one-based representation (where January is 1 and December is 12), while wrapping outside numbers: Month(month1)
  • Getting the month zero-based (January=0) and one-based (January=1) representation: month.index0, month.index1
  • Add or subtract months: month + 11

Year class

The Year class represents a normal Year and it is an inline class. It supports from year 1 to 9999 where the leap year formulas are valid.

  • Construct a Year: Year(2018)
  • Get the number of days of a specific year: Year(2018).days
  • Determine if a year is leap: Year(2018).isLeap
  • How many days have passed since year 1 to the beginning of a specific year: Year(2018).daysSinceOne
  • Construct a year using the number of days since year 1: Year.fromDays(730_000)

YearMonth class

The YearMonth class is an inline class representing a pair of Year and Month. This pair has information about the number of days in a month and can be useful to represent calendars.

  • The current YearMonth:
  • Number of days in a YearMonth: yearMonth.days
  • Number of days since the start of the year to reach the beginning of the month: yearMonth.daysToStart
  • Number of days since the start of the year to reach the end of the month: yearMonth.daysToEnd
  • Get the components year and the month: yearMonth.year and yearMonth.month
  • Add or subtract months of years: yearMonth - 1.years + 1.months
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