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Time Format

Formatting, parsing and localization

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Klock has utilities for formatting, parsing and localizing dates and times.


Starting with Klock 1.3.0, there is support for multiple languages. English support works out of the box, but to prevent adding growing the size of the library without DCE/Tree shaking, there is a separate artifact called klock-locale that add support for additional languages. Each language is added via an extension method to the KlockLocale companion object.

Month localized names

val name = Month.February.localName(KlockLocale.japanese) // "2月"
val name = Month.February.localName(KlockLocale.spanish) // "febrero"
val name = Month.February.localShortName(KlockLocale.spanish) // "feb"

Day of week localized names

val name = DayOfWeek.Monday.localName(KlockLocale.japanese) // "月曜日"
val name = DayOfWeek.Monday.localShortName(KlockLocale.japanese) // "月"

Formating dates in a specific language

val date = DateTime(year = 2019, month = Month.March, day = 13, hour = 21, minute = 36, second = 45, milliseconds = 512)
val locale = KlockLocale.spanish

// A generic format with a specific locale
date.toString(DateFormat.DEFAULT_FORMAT.withLocale(locale)) // Mié, 13 Mar 2019 21:36:45 UTC

// Locale-specific formats
locale.formatDateTimeMedium.format(date) // 13/03/2019 21:36:45
locale.formatDateTimeShort.format(date) // 13/03/19 21:36
locale.formatDateFull.format(date) // Miércoles, 13 de Marzo de 2019
locale.formatDateLong.format(date) // 13 de Marzo de 2019
locale.formatDateMedium.format(date) // 13/03/2019
locale.formatDateShort.format(date) // 13/03/19
locale.formatTimeMedium.format(date) // 21:36:45
locale.formatTimeShort.format(date) // 21:36

ISO8601 (serialization and parsing)

ISO-86601 is a date, time and interval serialization specification defined here:

Serializing dates

val date = DateTime(2019, Month.April, 14)
assertEquals("2019-04-14", date.format(ISO8601.DATE_CALENDAR_COMPLETE))
assertEquals("2019-04-14", date.format(ISO8601.DATE_CALENDAR_COMPLETE.extended))
assertEquals("20190414", date.format(ISO8601.DATE_CALENDAR_COMPLETE.basic))

Serializing times

val time = 15.hours + 30.minutes + 12.seconds
assertEquals("15:30:12", ISO8601.TIME_LOCAL_COMPLETE.format(time))
assertEquals("153012", ISO8601.TIME_LOCAL_COMPLETE.basic.format(time))

Serializing intervals

val time = 1.years + 0.months + 27.days + 11.hours + 9.minutes + 11.seconds
assertEquals("P1Y0M27DT11H9M11S", ISO8601.INTERVAL_COMPLETE0.format(time))
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